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Will government meet the deadlines for change agreed with the EU?


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8 March most likely date for referendum

By Kurt Sansone
VALLETTA - Opposition Leader Alfred Sant has until Saturday 25 January to give his reaction to a three-point proposal made to him by the Prime Minister on Friday. READ MORE>

PN and MLP go ‘mental’ over votes

By Matthew Vella
SAN GWANN - At least 600 applications have been made to the Court of Magistrates for the cancellation of voters on grounds of mental infirmity by the Nationalist Party according to its electoral office Elcom. The total number of applications filed by the PN for the cancellation of votes since the publication of October 2002’s electoral register numbers approximately 1,600. READ MORE>

First-ever absolute majority fails to move Labour

VALLETTA - If the results of the latest Xarabank survey on EU membership are to be believed, the Labour Party leadership should be rethinking its strategy and changing its tune. READ MORE>


Education and all that...
If you are a frequenter of cafés you are not likely to see Professor Kenneth Wain sipping coffee with Labour Party spokesman Evarist Bartolo KURT SANSONE writes.

Saviour Balzan on Sunday
Sitting on the fence
Friday and I was asked to represent Moviment IVA in a Toni Abela Robin Hood show held at the Labour HQ in Hamrun. As I entered the ‘cold’ building, I have to admit that it felt very much like the Coliseum, but Toni Abela appeared far more anxious as he tried to emulate Peppi Azzopardi.


This Week

What a week!
The opening of the five-star Intercontinental Hotel yesterday promises to bring new life to Paceville. Ramona Depares speaks to sales and marketing guru Alex Incorvaja


Green Party launches EU campaign

Doubtful tendering process discriminated against licensed agencies

MLP’s action raises AD’s ire

Godfrey Grima and the BA’s Lm40,000 referendum package

Maltese mystery intrigues scientist

Attacking pensioners’ votes

Seven localities below EU air quality standards


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Kenneth Wain