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PN gambles on local elections as referendum date looms

By Kurt Sansone
Valletta - Cabinet will have a tall order on its agenda tomorrow and is expected to discuss the date for a referendum on EU membership and decide on whether to hold the local council elections, which are due on 8 March. READ MORE>

Confirmed: the monies made by Cilia from public funds
SAN GWANN - MaltaToday continues to confirm in this issue how Dr Joe Cilia was actively involved in the creation of firms headed by individuals in order to cash in on the tenders issued by his Secretariat. This unethical behaviour has not led to any official comment from the MLP. Indeed, when contacted some days ago, Labour leader Alfred Sant chose not to comment about MaltaToday investigations. READ MORE>

Zurrieq won’t lose its perit

ZURRIEQ - Labour Party tourism spokesman Karmenu Vella quashed rumours that he will not be contesting the forthcoming general election. When contacted by MaltaToday Mr Vella said that he would be contesting one more time on behalf of the Labour Party. READ MORE>


Outspoken, left wing and not in favour of membership
Boisterous, comical at times, eloquent, articulate and loud should describe Toni Abela. A successful lawyer, and a political maverick, here he talks to Saviour Balzan

Saviour Balzan on Sunday
Lotteries for charity… are we sure?
If there is a deficit in Malta it is a democratic deficit originating from the games, gimmicks and nepotism that shakes the foundations of what we believe to be a fair and honest process...


This Week

What a week!
Being in Young Enterprise is great fun but also a serious commitment, participant Louisa Diacono tells Ramona Depares


Increase in Lotto sales despite L-Istrina’s astounding collection

End of the line for Archbishop

The broadcasting ambassador

Prime Minister hails 2003 as a ‘national year’


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Toni Abela