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Curia-bashers are employed with PN ministers says Karmenu
Blata L-Bajda - Former Prime Minister Dr Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici never fails to surprise. Yesterday he alleged that individuals who had smashed up the Curia during the mid-eighties at the height of the Church schools saga, are now employed in the secretariats of certain ministers. He did not specify who the people were or with which ministries they are now employed. READ MORE>

Mifsud’s rise to fame checked in 7th district
The Labour Party is preparing for a surprise in the seventh district. There is a high probability that the MLP win two seats in a district that includes Siggiewi, Attard, Zebbug and Dingli. But with John Attard Montalto deciding not to contest the seventh district, and with the increasing popularity of newcomers, surgeon Anthony Zammit and Doreen Attard Montalto, the former wife of Dr Attard Montalto, the race for the two parliamentary seats is hotting up. READ MORE>

Voters want Rizzo to contest elections
- Arrigo still waiting
Paceville, ice rink - Residents from the 9th and 10th electoral districts are pushing for Albert Rizzo and Robert Arrigo to contest the next general election but are disillusioned because the party has not taken a stand, at least as regards Robert Arrigo. READ MORE>


The controversial captain of the building industry
The life of developer and contractor Angelo Xuereb is hectic and frought with controversy. It is also a life he finds very satisfying. Mario Schembri Wismayer talks with this captain of the building industry

Saviour Balzan on Sunday

Toothless dinosaurs
It is sad to see so many elderly Labourites oppose membership, Saviour Balzan dreams of the day it will all change


This Week

What a week!
Actress and news-caster Stephanie Farrugia talks to Ramona Depares about her role in the upcoming play ‘proof’


‘Terrorism scare’ an overreaction

The new dream project for Gozo

MLP to attend enlargement meeting in Strasbourg

BA’s drive to instill impartiality is PBS’ chagrin

Alarming rise in incidence of abuse against women and minors

Phone tapping warrants under scrutiny

Green Party launches green ribbon campaign

Sant gives Excelsior hotel failure political slant


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