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The Labourite who favours EU membership

Veteran economist and Malta Development Corporation founder Karmenu Farrugia is a self-confessed Labourite who favours Malta’s accession into the EU because of the positive measures the country would be obliged to adopt... READ MORE>

Al Qaeda wake up call in Mediterranean

By Kurt Sansone
In the wake of news that the Al Qaeda terrorist cells in North Africa are ready to launch attacks in Europe, Home Affairs Minister Tonio Borg confirmed that Malta’s Security Service and law enforcement agencies have been in contact with foreign counterparts to collaborate in the international fight against terrorism... READ MORE>

Ancient burial site cries for protection

By Marika Azzopardi
Fifty-seven complete Paleo-Christian burial chambers still languish beneath piles of bureaucratic red tape and risk permanent obliteration. Over the past number of months this newspaper has been following the non-developments of the Bistra Catacombs issue through contacts with the Museums Department, the Planning Authority and the Ministry of Education... READ MORE>
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Karmenu Farrugia
He confronted Mintoff on a number of occasions. He even worked with Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, describing him as a very efficient Prime Minister and also having good relations with Eddie Fenech Adami. RAY ABDILLA talks to Karmenu Farrugia at his home in Madliena.

Saviour Balzan on Sunday


Provocative titbits
Saviour Balzan picks some recollections for his seven-day week


Chris Gatt marks his comeback
The last race of the championship was held at San Martin. Numerous riders showed up for what was to be a spectacular race especially for hill specialists. It was also the race to determine who was going to be the championship winner this year

This Week

What a week!

Coryse Borg, who has one of the leads in the upcoming production As You Like It, tells Ramona Depares about her love for the stage

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Karmenu Farrugia