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The right reaction
Being a journalist can be a thankless task if you want to do it properly.

Post prandial privileges
How do we know summer is over?

Toon Today:
Judging the scales of justice

by Saviour Balzan

When Bin Laden was a freedom fighter

Caroline Hills
Two weeks ago, Caroline Hills passed away. On the social occasions when we met, she was not only a fun person, but witty and interesting. She also loved Malta with all its bizarre habits, people and insular customs

MaltaToday asks..
Where are they now?
No: 0097


Ipoll Last Week
Public needs and private deeds

By Mario Mallia

This Week

Yellow Web Pages

Security tightened for Madonna visit
Coastal security reinforced, airspace over MFS closed to traffic. [READ MORE]
By David Lindsay

Tourism jobs under threat
The grim reality of the extent to which the US terrorist attacks will impact Malta is fast becoming evident, especially in the tourism sector.[READ MORE]


Adrian Muscat Inglott
His weekly newspaper column has played a major part in encouraging the public to voice their complaints. Today, he tells Miriam Dunn about his years in consumer affairs and why he thinks traders are, at last, learning about customer relations

Sport close-up

Chinese eat dogs – Europeans eat horses
Tony Formosa, a former Valletta, Hibs, Sliema and national team coach and one of the most popular critics on the island, continues with his views on the controversial decision to hold the 2008 Olympics in Beijing and the changes we are witnessing in the football world


‘Operation justice delayed’
Some lives seem to be more equal than others in these days of war-talk and terrorism, says James Debono

This Week

Political oddities and absurdities
Where is ignorance an excuse? Malta. Where would you find golf in its original oddities and splendour as invented in Scotland? In the highlands of Tal-Virtu. By Victor Paul Borg

Carlo Vella has quickly become popular, 19-year-old Carlo Vella is the brains behind it. Interview by Zillah Bugeja

Malta’s wine queen
Now that autumn rolls around in Malta, winemakers and lovers of the divine stuff look back at yet another successful vintage. But until it’s time to taste this year’s new wines with old and new friends, all of us in Malta wine country are left empty-handed. By Georges Meekers


Personal details on vehicle discs to go
Drivers’ personal details are set to be removed from vehicle windscreen discs following a long-running campaign spearheaded by consumer affairs columnist, Adrian Muscat Inglott

Silence on televised security flaws
By Kurt Sansone
‘Silence is golden’ seems to have been the red-faced authorities’ chosen reaction in the wake of the serious security flaws uncovered by Lou Bondi and Simone Cini during their TV programme screened on Tuesday night

Labour Deputy smells corruption at Tal-Qroqq hospital
Labour spokesman on health, Michael Farrugia, yesterday warned about the possibility of corruption when tenders are awarded in connection with the new hospital

Air Malta chief’s ‘no redundancies’ pledge
By Kurt Sansone
Although airline companies around the world are announcing massive redundancies in the wake of the terrorist attacks on the US, Air Malta chairman Louis Grech is so far holding firm to his pledge to not lay off workers

TV battle of the sports
By Ray Abdilla
Melita Cable Television has forked out almost Lm1 million on sport entertainment in a bid to fight off the challenge of satellite TV

‘Wait and see’- financial experts’ message to investors
By Miriam Dunn and Kurt Sansone
‘Don’t panic – wait and see what happens’ is the message that experts in the investment sector are relaying to concerned clients

Maltese send 15 million SMSs per month
By David Lindsay
According to Vodafone Malta Managing Director, Joe Grioli, Maltese mobile phone operators are processing an incredible 70 to 80 SMSs (Short Message Services) per client per month. The figure is very close to double that of the European average of 45 per person per month

Sixty VAT inspectors monitoring business community
By Ray Abdilla
Some 60 VAT inspectors are now carrying out a wide variety of duties around the Island, but their primary aim is to encourage voluntary compliance among taxpayers, according to VAT Head, Joe Portelli.

Work on Ikdam finalised
Workers at the Malta Drydocks have completed extensive works on the Ikdam - a tanker previously registered under the name of Northia - which has been converted into a Floating Production Storage and Offloading Unit

Tal-Virtu’ farmers present anti-golf course petition
The debate over the proposed golf course at Tal-Virtu’ yesterday reached a higher pitch when a total of 92 farmers working the area’s agricultural land signed a petition and presented it to the Vatican, the President of Malta, the Archbishop of Malta and the Secretary of the Nuncio in Malta.

Network House, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann, SGN 07 • Tel: (356) 382741-3, 382745-6 • Fax: (356) 385075
Publisher: John Formosa - Network Publications
Editor: Saviour Balzan