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MaltaToday archives

The EU decision and its implications
Dirty Malta

by Saviour Balzan

Déjà vu sets in as summer settles with a vengeance

Ray Calleja

Ipoll Last Week

Should government departments offer a full-day service in summer?

Gaetano Tanti
Alfred Mallia Milanes

Yellow Web Pages

Govt ignored recommendation not to ask for concession

The seven-year concession negotiated by the government on the free movement of workers with the EU contrasts heavily with a recommendation that was made in a report commissioned by the Ministry for Economic Services. [READ MORE]

Dioxins and furans in our backyard

By our environment correspondentThe problem of waste management will never be solved by landfill management alone and incineration will have to serve as a major option. [READ MORE]


Anton Cassar
Septuagenarian Anton Cassar discovered journalism almost 40 years ago. Today, he talks to Kurt Sansone about the freedom of the press, the pressures journalists are under and how the GWU’s daily paper even captured readers from the other side of the political divide

Sport today

Fencing gradually picking up pace in Malta
Fencing is a practically new sport for Malta. Although it was played during the time Malta was a colony, it only started being played again in 1992. Juan Formosa is a person associated with the sport and one can’t possibly leave him out when mentioning the art of the sword. Ray Abdilla speaks to Mr Formosa about his love for fencing


Pouring oil on troubled petrol station owners
Is the government running out of fuel when it comes to thrashing out its problems with the petrol station owners? Miriam Dunn traces back the issues that have dogged this sector over the past year

Summer madness
David Pace explains that trying to have a relaxing day out at the beach has become quite a challenge

Local news

Maria Bugeja talks of sleaze
Ms Maria Bugeja of the Cancer Foundation has started a campaign to reveal what she alleges is a case of sleaze journalism by a Maltese journalist.

Bathers, barbecuers stand firm at Bahar ic-Caghaq
The authorities have no immediate plans to test the air at Bahar ic-Caghaq, even though they have made public their views that the air quality in the area poses much greater risks than pollution from the sea.

Sant uses new argument to bolster anti-EU campaign
The final balance of food prices once Malta joins the EU will see the consumer going under by Lm4, according to Labour leader Alfred Sant, who yesterday visited a family-run bakery in Qormi.

Hiccups in criminal code amendments highlighted
The proposed amendments to the criminal code, while a step in the right direction, failed to address certain areas that urgently needed review, Dr Joe Giglio told the MaltaToday.

Tuna crisis still unsolved
Yesterday was a long hot day for Maltese and Sicilian fishermen as representatives of both sides met in a bid to solve the crisis involving a cage-full of live tuna that was hijacked by Maltese fishermen.

Editor insists that former SMU members should not be exonerated
“Former SMU (the Special Assignment Group’s Labour-led predecessor) members should not be exonerated from the infamous shooting sprees that happened in the eighties”, Saviour Balzan told Mr Justice Albert Magri presiding over the Civil Court

MaltaToday campaign

Safety at sea
With summer upon us once again, the topic of whether our seas are safe enough inevitably crops up. In the first of a new series on the subject, MIRIAM DUNN speaks to Paul Ebejer, chairman of the water sports’ association, about how ‘bona fide’ operators are facing new regulations, bad publicity and insurance problems


Network House, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann, SGN 07 • Tel: (356) 382741-3, 382745-6 • Fax: (356) 385075
Publisher: John Formosa - Network Publications
Editor: Saviour Balzan