Editorial On closed doors and hold buttons Stefan Hogan |
The World Monuments Fund has finally released the first payment of the grant awarded for the conservation of the Mnajdra temples. By Miriam Dunn [READ MORE] The Curia is sticking to its guns by refusing to enter the argument of whether Malta should become a full member of the European Union, despite a rekindled call made by ‘Iva’ spokeswoman, Joanna Drake, for it to do so. [READ MORE] The risible fines which the courts are forced to mete out in cases of animal cruelty should be a thing of the past in the very near future, according to the chief government vet, Lino Vella. [READ MORE]
Charles Camilleri Despite his parents’ misgivings, followed his instincts and took up a musical career that has been hugely successful, both here and abroad. Today he tells RAMONA DEPARES about his decision to gamble on a career in music and the road he took to achieving his goals.
Will Held bring Malta out of the wilderness? After huge pressure from most of the media for a radical change at the top, the sacking of Josif Ilic and appointment of his replacement - Siegfred Held - was very sudden.
In troubled waters Nobody seems to give a sh** about the state of our sea, even though we’re swimming in plenty of it, says James Debono
believe sea tests will show heavy metal residue Foreign
investors set to seal deal with Price Club Attards
expected to be released from confinement Worker
wins around Lm2,000 for political transfer
rights for animals in the pipeline