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. Editorial
Crass incompetence - that's what it was


The great Cannabis debate
Julian Manduca vs.
Sina Bugeja

MaltaToday campaign
Dispelling discrimination in schools
Joseph Camilleri believes that children with special needs must be given the chance of inclusive education where possible

This Week
Feminist victimology
What a week!
Who is flying the flag?
Arts scene
A seductive red
Diary of events

Where are they now?

The government employee

No: 0075

Price Club faces creditors' wrath

In an unusual move, creditors and suppliers have joined forces to take on supermarket giant Price Club over money owed to them which they claim runs into hundreds of thousands of liri. [READ FULL ARTICLE]

Martha Flach, Manager of New Media and Public Affairs of the World Monuments Fund, yesterday confirmed that Malta had lost $50,000 allocated to the stabilisation and conservation of the Mnajdra temples because it failed to submit a comprehensive plan. [READ FULL ARTICLE]

Related articles: Call for Galea's resignation | Crass incompetence - that's what it was

Mario Cutajar
Defending the workers in a changing economic environment is no easy challenge. MIRIAM DUNN asks GWU deputy secretary general, Mario Cutajar, how he is facing this hurdle, and others

local news

Call for Galea's resignation
Everyone is criticising the damage that was done to the Mnajdra temples and many people marched on Friday night in protest at it, but still, no one is taking any blame for the tragedy

Denial stories surface with birth of gay lobby
Charles Bayliss believes that coming out is the way forward for the gay
community, Miriam Dunn discovers

Eye specialist appeals to hunters
Two hunters, a farmer and a walker - have sustained shotgun injuries to the eyes over the space of last week, with two of the victims having lost their eyesight. All were Maltese

Nature Trust criticises use of tropical wood for Papal throne
Following the recent uproar emanating from the construction works carried out at Floriana in preparation for the impending papal visit, fresh criticisms have recently surfaced

CMA may move to Sardinia
Despite speculation that global shipping line CMA CGM is interested in bidding for the 100 per cent privatisation of operations and management of the Malta Freeport, foreign press reports this week claimed that the line is nevertheless interested in transferring its operations to Cagliari, Sardinia

NGOs receive Lm218,000 for EU information this year
This year the government will be splashing out a total of Lm218,100 in public funds to be used by non-governmental organisations to inform their members about various aspects of the European Union, now that Malta is 14 months into negotiations for membership

sport today
Success is all that matters
Nowhere in the land is there a conveyor belt of youthful talent to match that at Valletta

Joe Caruana Curran
Valletta FC President has a hectic time co-ordinating his many different roles. As a football president he has won the lot, but he is still eager for more. He speaks to RAY ABDILLA about this year's success

Network House, Vjal ir-Rihan, San Gwann, SGN 07 • Tel: (356) 382741-3, 382745-6 • Fax: (356) 385075
Publisher: John Formosa - Network Publications
Editor: Saviour Balzan

Setting her sights on international fame: singer Ira Losco is making her voice heard